TasteTro | TasteTro Spice System
With a vision to inspire culinary confidence, clean cooking and flavor adventures, while easing the stress of daily cooking, Kloop Studio has partnered with TasteTro since 2012 to strategize, design and develop the first generation of the innovative TasteTro Spice System that makes professionally curated and customized spice blends instantly available in your kitchen at the touch of a button. With product development complete, patents pending, suppliers secured and a fully operational Beta prototype in hand, the company has entered a public phase of the process and is actively seeking marquis retail partners to launch this 'new to world' product into the consumer marketplace.
TasteTro is an entrepreneurial company that was started in 2012 after a particularly frustrating experience seeking dinner inspiration in the spice aisle of the grocery store. As a result, TasteTro has become an innovative culinary products company seeking to revolutionize the spice category for the benefit of all of the time-starved people who want to prepare tasty, healthy meals at home with ease.
TasteTro sees herbs & spices as the natural alternative to prepared and processed foods and the simple solution to bland and boring. Shopping for spices should be inspiring and accessing your spice cupboard shouldn’t make you shudder, so the TasteTro Spice System offers liberation and freedom to make every meal healthy and delicious!
see more @ Tastetro.com
Images courtesy of TasteTro.
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